There was this one time when we saw a squirrel fall from the roof. We took care of it. I actually taught Gus Gus how to climb trees.
It’s true. Poor little guy fell from the attic window because the landlord put up a screen mesh. The squirrel crawled out to look at the world, and got stuck. He just couldn’t hold on any longer and fell. I couldn’t catch him. So we kept him in the house, fed him with a syringe, and eventually he was ready to go outside.
He stayed close by because he never knew to run around and be squirrely. So… I had to put him in a tree. But Gus liked climbing us even more. It wasn’t until I climbed the tree myself that Gus climbed UP. Naturally, it didn’t take long at all before he realized how much fun it is.
I would go outside in the morning – this was after he started staying outside – and whistle the way I had been doing to get his attention. He’d do this to all of us… You’d hear a scuttling in a branch or near the shed. This squirrel would peek around a corner. And then come running across the yard and up your leg whether or not you were wearing jeans.