
This is directly related to my love of Cat’s Cradle, as well as the Red String of Fate theory. I believe in energy. It might sound weird to believe in something that is science; but what I mean is that I believe energy connects our souls – whatever exactly they are. For example: while I used to believe in prayer, I now believe that it is the act of directing positive energy toward another that has a literal power to boost someone’s emotions or health. I also believe that this can cause harm. Continuous negative energy toward another can hurt someone.

I’m a bit of an empath. It’s distracting, especially when coupled with ADHD (we already have a difficult time sorting out emotions). I can often determine what somebody is feeling when they walk into a room. Not just always, it’s in the times that I have my energy open. A woman walked into work one day, smiling. I wondered why she was sad about her sister; but quickly dismissed the idea because it didn’t make any sense to wonder something so obscure. Three hours later, we started talking at a lull in production. It was only a matter of minutes before confided in me about her ill sister.

Sure, a lot of people think it’s a bunch of hooey. I used to, actually. But I can’t deny my own experiences. Sometimes it’s a little weird. My hands sometimes feel like battery terminals; like my left hand can expel negative energy and my right hand can move positive energy. When think of someone, they often have a particular “location” in my mind – some appear a little to the right, some to the left, some near, some far… It’s not just a belief. It’s a matter of sensing the world.